How much are your 2023 dreams worth to you? Years go by so fast?🤔

Longest time, no see! It has been over 3 months without stopping by this corner. We are back baby, this time for real.

Happy New Year 2023✨! May this year bring you everything beautiful. Your dreams must be powerful this year and i will be praying for you that they will all come to pass.

However, here is something no one has told you, if you want to see yourself win beyond your imaginations this year, something has to change. I will share with you five nuggets that will separate you from the rest of the crowd this year.

1. Change your mindset already.

See your dream before you actually see it: say if your dream is to visit Paris this year, envision yourself at the Eiffel tower, taking in all the memories.

You need to see the picture of the tower every day, place it at your office desk or mirror.

For every passing day, work your way towards seeing it physically. Apply this on all your dreams and watch yourself dominate.

2. Be disciplined.

Work out a plan and stick to it.

Did you write a vision this year, run with it and let nothing hold you back.

Without discipline and a great attitude every year will be the same as all the past years.

3. Learn a skill.

Today we live in a very diverse world.

While your education degree is great, you will need to learn how to make sales, communicate, think, create opportunities and evolve.

Focus on learning a skill everyday for 3 months, you will be unstoppable.

4. Believe or Have Faith.

There is a higher power that works things out effortlessly.

Believe in God, believe in yourself.

Knowing that you can and you will is enough power to give you dominion over everything.

Take up spaces, grow, evolve.

5. Focus, be consistent.

Are there distractions in your life?

Remove them out of your way through prayer and surrender to God.

If i can tell one thing, the devil doesn’t want to see you win, so he will place traps on your way to distract you.

Run away and focus on your goals, be very, very consistent.

I would love to know what is exciting you about this year? If you are reading this blog, text me, my DMS are open. Share with me and allow me to walk the year with you.

I love you💕,

Your “2023 dream girl”


Your Sign🪧

These are times where things are getting more complicated, you’d ask me why I was still relying on my own strength. You are welcome back to this blog and today, I am writing this to you as a sign to stop worrying about things that are beyond your control.

Until we come to a place of total surrender to God, our worries will keep multiplying. Until we realize that only and only God can get us out of tough situations in life, we will continue to get disappointed.

Take an example of the raging economy, high prices and barely any increase in income. Why should you start worrying each day about how you will survive? This has been me for the last few months. Was it easy? No. Did I benefit so much from worrying? Absolutely not.

It’s right about time you surrendered everything to God. He is the creator of the universe and He will surely supply our needs beyond anything we ever imagined.

The Bible assures us not to rely on own understanding or even strength because we are so weak. We can’t handle even a small thing as killing a mosquito. Why then should we worry about things far beyond our control?

May God supply your needs according to His riches in glory in these times. Stop worrying child of God, He has articulated a great plan and flow of how things will go, today, tomorrow and even next year. If you can choose anything today, choose to trust God. He knows your heart’s desires and is faithful to fulfill them.

I love you 💕

Happy Friday 😍


Kwarija 🌿


Last Part.

Last week on Sunday, I got very disappointing news. For most of the part, I was just numb, shocked and still. I was in a meeting of over 50 people, how could I pretend that everything was okay and act normal?

Honestly if someone had asked me if I am okay, I would have burst into a well of tears ( this life, no balance at all 😂).

Anyways, I pulled out my strongest moves, stayed put and successfully ended the meeting. I walked out of the restaurant before anyone else — I remember sloping down that hill asking God why I had to go through so much pain in that moment. I lost all the hope I had ever had in my entire life and for the first time, God’s plan for didn’t make any sense.

Have you ever wanted to find a private place just to scream the pain out. As soon as I entered my gate, I burst into tears. Sometimes, we really go through a lot and try to cover them up which isn’t good. Breaking down makes no announcements. One of the things I needed most the rest of the week was PEACE. Peace to know that even if my life is wrecking havoc today, there is hope. Peace about your present and your future is all you need to go through the hardest seasons.

I don’t know about you but this year has been so tough on my end. But for the peace God has given me, I have managed to persevere through every hardship. You could be reading this and wondering what you are going to do about your situation? My advice — seek the Lord’s face and ask Him for peace.

Soon or later, days will start to shift so quickly and before you know it, life will be better. Your year might be going south but your story is unfinished. You are going to sing a new song before this year ends, you are going to enjoy a brand new season of your life.

May you find peace, joy and love today; and always✨🎈💕

I love you,



[Series Part 2]

Welcomed by the green lash environment surrounding me, I breathed in fresh and clean air while I planned for the next day. The rain had done justice to this little village I call home, it was a beauty to behold.

You are going to live a life you never had growing up, your children will know better. You are going to leave sprinkles of generational blessings wherever you step foot around your family. These were the thoughts pacing in my mind as I sloped down home for my prayer walk on Friday morning.

I took a clear view on this hill.

When you take a look around your family, are things getting better than they were in 1995? Are the patterns you grew up seeing repeating themselves in your siblings, cousins, relatives? If you have been called to do better in your family, this blog post is for you.

Your purpose is not to sit and watch things unfold in the most wrong ways. Take your place and be the change you wanted to see growing up. Teach your children the same, that is how you leave generational blessings and not curses.

Your story is unfinished. Your legacy is significant and that is why you were born for a time as this. Right now, things might not be where you want them but as long as you still hold the keys of changing your legacy, your story is still unfinished.

It doesn’t matter who is ahead of you, your purpose is distinct. Keep going, keep moving.

Hold on to the purpose that is placed before you, deny your eyes from seeing the circumstances surrounding you right now. Choose to work towards a fascinating future, today is sowing and harvesting is tomorrow. Pray, work hard, invest, save, travel, love, help, support, be present — do everything in your power to leave a remarkable spot in your generation.

I love you 💕


Peace and Love💕💐

UNFINISHED🌿[Series: Part 1]

Have you ever been on a journey to an exciting and beautiful destination overseas but you never got there? Whether it was in a dream or reality, I can imagine the frustration you went through😬.

It is yet another day, you prayed, you read the word but somehow you feel like you are going in cycles. For some reason you think that your prayers just hit the ceiling and bounce back to you. God is a man of His word friend, it might not look like it today but soon it will all make sense.

One morning i woke up for the 5.00 a.m prayers, i felt so empty. I looked at my life and i couldn’t believe it. I had hit rock bottom, no job but the bills were billing, no growth yet am a full blown adult and honestly it seemed like a night mare. The bitter truth is that it wasn’t a dream it was real. I was battling anxiety. Life was happening for everyone around me apart from me.

Have you ever felt pain, too much pain that you are numb to even cry? I sat on my bed, searched for tears but they couldn’t come. When you are past 25 years old, the pressure from society and everyone around you is innevitable, trust me. Whoever created society is a mess.😂😬 Anyways, i prayed that morning and if i had one loose thread of hope left in me, i hang on it. This story is unfinished.

I don’t know what it is exactly that you are going through, but it’s not over yet. Your dreams will start to come to reality, ONE by ONE soon. Your story is unfinished because the best days of your life are on the horizon. All you need is to hang on that little glimpse of hope. One day the world will know that your God is a real ONE. 💕

I love you☀️💕


Empty spaces📭

For so long, I thought God had forgotten about me, my dreams, goals and prayers. I was just seeing everyone get exactly what they were praying for, I mean things were happening for everyone except me.

I remember feeling so empty after countless tries, applications, refreshing my email over and over but nothing came through. I remember clearly what it felt like to wake up to no hope at all. I started to drift away from my faith and beliefs.

One day I made up my mind to shift my focus from the actual problem to God; and completely surrender to His will. Not so long after that, He came through. It might not have been exactly the way I desired but it was sure a great start to new and exciting things. I write this to encourage you who is going through a season of emptiness while waiting on God, He will come through.God is always working in the background.

Here is one thing you should know, empty spaces are an opportunity for you to fill them up with anything you desire. All you need to do is; tell your Father in heaven about it and it shall be done exactly that way. He is so rich, He owns all the silver and gold, just make mention of that which you desire and watch Him bless you.

If you ever feel an empty space in front of you, turn to God in prayer, allow Him fill it up with the beautiful and great things only Him can give. Dear friend, I know what it is like to go through times of hopelessness, me of all of people know what it feels like to feel empty, lost and confused.

I can assure you that; it is just a matter of time, your season and time will come. It will be worth the wait.

I love you💌


Kwarija 🌻

The Promise.

Have you ever walked through a season of uncertainity? Not sure what is coming next, with so many questions on your mind. Waking up to the same prayer request over and over for months, years, weeks?

The past few weeks for me have been a blur, there is something i have been praying to God about constantly for so long. This one thing, God promised me that it would come to pass. I have had a glimpse of it in powerful dreams and even in the physical.

I kept wondering when this promise would manifest. I got to a level where by everything just goes by so fast, but one thing is still sure— i have the faith for it. Did God make you a promise and it hasn’t come to pass yet? He who promised will fulfill.

It definitely will come, this week, today, tomorrow, anytime now. It will manifest into its full circle, you are stronger than you think. Continue to believe, sooner than you think, it will be happening.

His promises are YES and AMEN!

Walk through these days, confident enough that God is no man to lie, He will come through for you, soon you will marvel at His goodness and faithfulness.

I love you,


Choices, always choices🍃!

Isn’t it interesting how many times in a day we get to make a choice? As soon as you open your eyes in the morning, you have a chance to decide on how you want your day to go, by the choices you make from that moment on.

One day i was rushing to office in the morning but something small happened and it shaped my day. My skirt tore on the zip end as i was dressing up to leave my house. I had decided in my head that i wanted to wear that particular suit that day and nothing was going to stop me. Amidst anger and fear of being late, i quickly fixed the blooper and moved out for work.

I reached work and for some reason everyone was feeling sweet. I took out all my morning frustrations on two guys at office😂, i am sure up to this day they wonder what had happened to me. Long story short, all i am trying to say that i had a choice to make that morning. To either move on from the little blooper or let it take control of my day. I chose the latter and that Thursday was among my very bad days of 2022.

Listen, whenever you are faced with a challenge or situation, put your brain to work before you make a choice. Leave no room for negative thoughts and plans, always look at things in a positive way. Life is better that way because there is enough negativity in the world.

We just can’t live every day with negative thoughts motivating our choices. Positivity is a choice you have to make every single day or else life will have you in a hot seat.

Today’s relationship advice:-

“You can either choose love and risk heart break or don’t choose it at all and face loneliness. Choices, always choices”! —Always a Bridesmaid (Movie).

Follow me for more😂✌🏾

I love you💕


No room for doubt🤞🏾

Yesterday evening as I set out to do my evening workout, my mind was fogged with negative thoughts, fear and doubt. However, this moment turned out to be life changing and here is how.👇🏾

I started to doubt everything I believed in.😱

It wasn’t about the work out, it was about my life, my goals and dreams. Like everyone else, i had new year goals and things to achieve by Quarter 2. Here we are, afew days to end Q2 and am not anywhere close.

I needed to remind myself that as long as i am doubting my faith and beliefs, i am playing myself because i will start sinking.

The moment you start to doubt, you sink. Remember Peter walking on water but when he saw the wind, he started to doubt, became afraid and started to sink .( Matthew 14:22-33). 🗣 Keep your eyes locked on Jesus, keep walking. ✨

I don’t know who is reading this but stop leaving room for doubt!!! Its YOU vs YOU!Believe in your dreams and goals, there is no timeline, its only in your head. Give yourself grace. Reassure yourself because no one else will🤞🏾!

Yesterday evening i had a tough conversation with myself :

— My 2022 goal list wasn’t coming to fruition by far but i have life and hope.

—The remaining two quarters could be the best my life has ever seen.🙏

— If i wake up each day with intentionality, i can do this💪🏾.

After reassuring myself that i still got it, i had the best work out this week. Dripping sweat, energy and dance moves in between, yeah😍! Holy Girl Summer is upon me. 🔥💐 I am trying to say, leave no room for doubt no matter what your life looks like in the now.

Rememberrrrrr, we walk by Faith and not by Sight. Believe it until you see it♥️🤞🏾!

I love you,


The power of seasons🍂

Have you ever wondered why different seasons have something unique attached to them? ✨For instance in Uganda, rainy seasons are associated with planting, rain, growth and so much more.🪴 Whereas dry seasons are associated with harvesting, storing among others.

I love educating myself about seasons and relating them with my personal life. I take each quarter of the year as a season, this helps me identify my purpose in that particular time, what I am supposed to learn and benefit from it.

As a believer, I learnt that our God also works in seasons and times. I never understood that mystery until I grew deeper in the Lord and through His divine knowledge and grace, I learnt about seasons. 💐

Going about normal life mid 20’s, I used to wonder why things were not happening for me. While everyone else around my age was bagging their dream job, moving to another country, having babies, getting married and all, it was something I questioned myself about often.

Well, until I learnt about the power of seasons, I would definitely still be green. I now understand that God puts each of us in different seasons because His purpose and plan for each individual is different. My destiny is completely different from yours✨ Yet, all of them are still so beautiful.

My season currently has been wait, discover yourself, learn, grow and grow. I have loved every bit of this season and watching myself bloom into a beautiful, better version of myself i didn’t know existed was thrilling 🥺! I feel like this season is coming to an end, I am forever thankful to God for it.

Here are biggest my lessons from that season :-

🎉 When God starts to move in your life, everything happens so fast. You get to experience His love in every single thing, walking from blessing to blessing.

🎉You come to a point where you forget all those years, months, weeks and days of waiting, crying out to God and praying.

🎉It all happens that way so that you never ever have to doubt God’s goodness and faithfulness 🙏🥰!

🎉It is just a phase or season, it shall come to pass🥰!

Enjoy whatever season you are in, it will not last so long. Cherish each day because great things are on the horizon for you 🎊!

I love you💕,

Kwarija 🌻