Sow tomorrow’s harvest now – take time off to sow✨💕

Seasons come and go but unless we understand what season we are in, we sure will never learn the purpose of that particular season in our life.

Very recently, I woke up to an emotionless self & I couldn’t catch a single feeling of mine. Everything nagged , nothing was making sense. At first I thought I was in the middle of a crisis. I knew something was wrong but I couldn’t put my finger around it. So I started a new routine & challenge.

To wake up very early , go on a prayer walk / run, connect with God before anything else. Before social media , before a call with a friend / family , before anything . God told me one morning that I was sowing and whatever I did in these times would reflect next year. It dropped in my spirit like a bomb, I got up , stopped crying, stayed away from distractions & started planting & sowing my seeds.

Next year as a MUST, I am reaping off my hard work , long days & hours spent in prayer, sacrifice & surrender. Remember 🧏‍♀️ & always remember that you reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7).

Pray like you are possessed, believe God for what you need & desire like you’ve never believed before.The harvesting season will come & hey, it will be so beautiful 🤩 😍.

Take time off to sow into your tomorrow today, its never in vain. The fruits are beyond beautiful, beyond your dreams & imaginations.

Love you always,


11 thoughts on “Sow tomorrow’s harvest now – take time off to sow✨💕

  1. Other things will come to and end but seed time and harvest time will never.
    I remember when I sowed seeds of prayer years ago and things seemed not to shift. Iam here to testify that the fruits are sweet.

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